The best way to figure out an appropriate and well received gift is to be mindful of your mate's interests, dreams and desires. This will give you all the information you need to find that perfect gift. Knowing what is an appropriate gift at different stages of a relationship is extremely important. If you have only been taking a few months, you don't want to give something too expensive or too personal. You are still getting to know each other at that point. On the other hand, if you have been dating for 3 years and you give your significant other a gift card, that won't go over well either. Dating service It's Just Lunch give singles tips for gift giving at any stage in a relationship.
What's Appropriate and When?
Less Than Three Months
For the guy or gal you've gone out with a dozen or so times, we suggest starting out with something thoughtful, rather than showy. Spending too much money on someone you just met will make you appear over invested and will make you look needy. They'll feel like they have to reciprocate and that could make them uncomfortable. Keep the gift simple and special.
Gifts for Him
oMelt his heart and bake him brownies.
o Buy him your favorite book and share something you love.
o If he's a sports fan, try a team logo sweatshirt or a golf shirt. Steer clear of : Anything commitment driven like rings, watches, a mini-break in Hawaii ... or anything too personal like nose-hair trimmers!
Gifts for Her
o Homemade CD of her favorite tunes.
o Godiva chocolates and/or flowers.
o Champagne flutes and a good bottle of champagne. Steer clear of: Jewelry, lingerie or other sexy items and expensive gifts.
Three to Six Months
At this point you're heading toward exclusivity, but most likely haven't committed to anything final or met the family yet. This is a pivotal point in the relationship and it's best to celebrate holidays and special occasions with a personal gift and a romantic dinner.
Gifts for Him
o Cook him a romantic dinner for two -- wine, candles, soft music, a sexy outfit, the whole enchilada. This will show not only that you care, but that you can cook, too!
o The newest toy or gadget from the Sharper Image Hammacher Schlemmer It need not be expensive or over the top.
o If you really like the guy but hate the way he dresses, a designer sweater goes a long way.
Stay clear of: Generic gifts like a wallet or pen. You want to let him know he's special.
Gifts for Her
o Romantic dinner for two at a little French bistro or surprise her with dinner at your place -- the works (she'll love the gesture).
o Anything cashmere or pashmina.
o Tickets to the opera or ballet and have a courier deliver them to her office along with flowers. That way she can show off to her friends. Steer clear of: Clothing. We all know that women love
clothes, but don't even go there unless you know the following criteria:
o Her exact taste (unlikely)
oWhat's in for the season (pass). Better to stay well away, unless you happen to work for Gucci.
o Her exact size (too small she'll feel fat, too large she'll think you're saying she's fat, and remember it differs between brands).
Six months plus
Hallelujah! You're madly in love at this point. This is the time when you want your significant other to feel like the most special person in your life. Make your gifts personal, intimate and a true expression of your fabulous unity.
Gifts for Him
o Tickets for two to his favorite sporting event.
o Get him TiVo so he can create his own instant replays while watching the big game.
o A watch with a personal inscription from you Steer clear of: Don't get him anything you think he should have, like a DustBuster or a particular tool, unless he's expressed specific interest in it.
Gifts for Her
o Arrange for a massage therapist to be at her home after a long day at work.
o Get her lingerie or other sexy items. (Warning! These should only be given for Valentine's Day or
anniversaries, and are not right for holiday gifts or birthdays -- otherwise they are considered gifts for you , not her!)
o Say it with diamonds and you've pretty much said everything your girlfriend needs to hear. A bracelet or pendant is appropriate.
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