Monday, August 30, 2010

Hoover LINX Cordless Handheld Vacuum, BH50015 Decide Now

Over All Rating Reviews :
Adequate suction, but very loud siren like noise.
The battery holds a long charge, before recharging.
There is no base or holder for the vacuum, which makes
it somewhat difficult to store.
Get more detail about Hoover LINX Cordless Handheld Vacuum, BH50015.

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Make Your Wife Happy - 3 Simple Things That Will Thrill Your Lady

Even after 13 years of marriage I still get it wrong quite often. I think I've done the right thing, but it's the wrong thing, or said the wrong thing or forgot to say the right thing.

Phew, confusing!

I'm pretty certain however that there are some things I get terrifically right. Some things I sat down and figured out when thinking, how can I make my wife happy.

This isn't brain surgery, but when we get to number 3, you'll understand why so many men, including me sometimes, fail miserably at this.

Number 1 - Cook. If you can't cook, learn. There are so many resources that will teach you how to cook it''s unbelievable. The internet has a billion recipes on it and most of them could be cooked by a chimpanzee, so we're gonna be fine. When I met my wife I lived with my brother and our staple diet was meat pie sandwiches. Honestly.

I look back now and wonder how on earth I survived. He went to Thailand, came back an expert chef and made me look bad. So, I learned, I read and I experimented and now I'm still a terrible cook, but there are some dishes I term my specialties and they're not half-bad.

Number 2 - Clean. Ugh. Everyone hates housework and it's been a long hard road, but one day I just thought, 'I'm getting it in the neck every day for not being Mr Clean, so I'll just start'. It's amazing how much pride you can take in keeping your living area clean when you just try. The difference it makes to your everyday life is incredible. I feel so much more organised than I did and while sometimes it's a bit gross, it's a lot more hygienic and I don't have to wash dishes when I need them, they're already done.

Number 3 - This is the most important one. Actually do it! Pro-actively.

You can be the world's greatest chef and have the domestic skills of an entire cleaning company, but if you don't do it, you're gonna be in the dog-house.

Number 3 was the difficult one to figure out. I did my share of the cleaning and cooking, but it still didn't have the effect I desired. Until my wife said. 'It's not that you aren't doing it, but that I have to ask you to do it.'


That was a real epiphany. My husbanding skills went through the roof after I understood what she meant. I don't wait to be asked to polish the tiles in the bathroom, I do it when I think there might be a need. I sometimes cook something special just for the sheer heck of it. Once in a while I creep out of bed at 5am and do a bunch of house work while she's dreaming of ponies.

The rewards are worth it, and now I get to stand around looking smug when she talks about me to her friends.

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Great deals Dirt Devil 0213CHM Kone Cordless Rechargeable Handheld Vacuum Cleaner, Champagne

Over All Rating Reviews :
I purchased one of these wonderful items for my husband last year and found that everyone was using it, especially our son. So, this year I bought him one. The Kone's unique design, and available colors, make this vacuum a piece of "art," rather than an eyesore in any room. This Dirt Devil product works with wonderful efficiency and is ever-so-handy for quick pick-me-ups. This also makes a great gift. I am really tickled with this product.
Get more detail about Dirt Devil 0213CHM Kone Cordless Rechargeable Handheld Vacuum Cleaner, Champagne.

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Best Hoover LINX Cordless Handheld Vacuum, BH50015

Over All Rating Reviews :
We do have the Hoover Platinum Collection LINX Cordless Vacuum... It is GREAT.. Now trying to decide if we should get the HANDHELD.. I know that I want it, but still waiting for it to get a little closer to $100... then we WILL buy it.. I love my Hoover Platinum Vac...
Get more detail about Hoover LINX Cordless Handheld Vacuum, BH50015.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Black and Decker CHV9600 9.6-Volt Cyclonic DustBuster Best Quality

Over All Rating Reviews :
When we initially got this product - it was great. The suction was strong and the battery life was long. Over the course of a year, the battery life has dramatically deteriorated. After a year, it only lasts about 2 minutes. The positive reviews are all from people who have had this only a short time. This is a disposable product - seeing that the battery isn't designed to be replaced.
Get more detail about Black and Decker CHV9600 9.6-Volt Cyclonic DustBuster.

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Buying Dirt Devil 0213CHM Kone Cordless Rechargeable Handheld Vacuum Cleaner, Champagne

Over All Rating Reviews :
I recently purchased the Kone for use mainly in our kitchen. I have a toodler who is a messy eater and the Kone cleans up her scraps quickly and easily. The reason I didn't give it five stars is the nozzle's angle is a bit awkward at times, making it tough to fit into tight spaces. I love the bright color and its sleek design. People see it and ask what it is. So happy I purchased it!
Get more detail about Dirt Devil 0213CHM Kone Cordless Rechargeable Handheld Vacuum Cleaner, Champagne.

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Gift Giving Guide For That Special Someone

The best way to figure out an appropriate and well received gift is to be mindful of your mate's interests, dreams and desires. This will give you all the information you need to find that perfect gift. Knowing what is an appropriate gift at different stages of a relationship is extremely important. If you have only been taking a few months, you don't want to give something too expensive or too personal. You are still getting to know each other at that point. On the other hand, if you have been dating for 3 years and you give your significant other a gift card, that won't go over well either. Dating service It's Just Lunch give singles tips for gift giving at any stage in a relationship.

What's Appropriate and When?

Less Than Three Months

For the guy or gal you've gone out with a dozen or so times, we suggest starting out with something thoughtful, rather than showy. Spending too much money on someone you just met will make you appear over invested and will make you look needy. They'll feel like they have to reciprocate and that could make them uncomfortable. Keep the gift simple and special.

Gifts for Him

oMelt his heart and bake him brownies.

o Buy him your favorite book and share something you love.

o If he's a sports fan, try a team logo sweatshirt or a golf shirt. Steer clear of : Anything commitment driven like rings, watches, a mini-break in Hawaii ... or anything too personal like nose-hair trimmers!

Gifts for Her

o Homemade CD of her favorite tunes.

o Godiva chocolates and/or flowers.

o Champagne flutes and a good bottle of champagne. Steer clear of: Jewelry, lingerie or other sexy items and expensive gifts.

Three to Six Months

At this point you're heading toward exclusivity, but most likely haven't committed to anything final or met the family yet. This is a pivotal point in the relationship and it's best to celebrate holidays and special occasions with a personal gift and a romantic dinner.

Gifts for Him

o Cook him a romantic dinner for two -- wine, candles, soft music, a sexy outfit, the whole enchilada. This will show not only that you care, but that you can cook, too!

o The newest toy or gadget from the Sharper Image Hammacher Schlemmer It need not be expensive or over the top.

o If you really like the guy but hate the way he dresses, a designer sweater goes a long way.

Stay clear of: Generic gifts like a wallet or pen. You want to let him know he's special.

Gifts for Her

o Romantic dinner for two at a little French bistro or surprise her with dinner at your place -- the works (she'll love the gesture).

o Anything cashmere or pashmina.

o Tickets to the opera or ballet and have a courier deliver them to her office along with flowers. That way she can show off to her friends. Steer clear of: Clothing. We all know that women love

clothes, but don't even go there unless you know the following criteria:

o Her exact taste (unlikely)

oWhat's in for the season (pass). Better to stay well away, unless you happen to work for Gucci.

o Her exact size (too small she'll feel fat, too large she'll think you're saying she's fat, and remember it differs between brands).

Six months plus

Hallelujah! You're madly in love at this point. This is the time when you want your significant other to feel like the most special person in your life. Make your gifts personal, intimate and a true expression of your fabulous unity.

Gifts for Him

o Tickets for two to his favorite sporting event.

o Get him TiVo so he can create his own instant replays while watching the big game.

o A watch with a personal inscription from you Steer clear of: Don't get him anything you think he should have, like a DustBuster or a particular tool, unless he's expressed specific interest in it.

Gifts for Her

o Arrange for a massage therapist to be at her home after a long day at work.

o Get her lingerie or other sexy items. (Warning! These should only be given for Valentine's Day or

anniversaries, and are not right for holiday gifts or birthdays -- otherwise they are considered gifts for you , not her!)

o Say it with diamonds and you've pretty much said everything your girlfriend needs to hear. A bracelet or pendant is appropriate.

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Best Black & Decker PHV1800CB 18-Volt Pivoting-Nose Cordless Energy-Star Handheld Vacuum Cleaner

Over All Rating Reviews :
Had the vac for a week, yesterday noticed it was seemed weak when I briefly used it but I attributed it to not having cleaned the filter (though that should not have been necessary no longer than I have had it). Today it's stone cold dead despite having charged overnight (charging LED confirmed on). As an extra special bonus, the button on the side that locks/releases the swivel arm became stuck in a depressed position.

This is just 1 of 3 different Black and Decker products I have had go tits up in the last year. Maybe they've shifted all their manufacturing to China. In any case, no more Black and Decker products for me.

Get more detail about Black & Decker PHV1800CB 18-Volt Pivoting-Nose Cordless Energy-Star Handheld Vacuum Cleaner.

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Black & Decker PHV1800CB 18-Volt Pivoting-Nose Cordless Energy-Star Handheld Vacuum Cleaner Order Today!

Over All Rating Reviews :
I love this vac. It's powerful and because of that it's quick to use. But more importantly, I didn't have to mount it on the wall. the stand fits on the top of my washer/dryer unit. the unit fits into the stand easily and I can vacuum out the whole car without the unit loosing it's battery charge.
Get more detail about Black & Decker PHV1800CB 18-Volt Pivoting-Nose Cordless Energy-Star Handheld Vacuum Cleaner.

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Brand new Eureka 71B Hand-Held Vacuum

Over All Rating Reviews :
My euro pro shark died and I did not think I could ever be happy with another hand-held vacuum. I was wrong. This one is so much more powerful and easy to use. So many reviews say it is heavy - compared to a dust vac yes compared to another hand held like my shark not heavy at all. It is so easy to use and it is amazingly powerful. Works on Stairs and cleaning up corners, it does an awesome job on our sofas getting the cat hair. I highly recommend this vacuum. I also love how compact it is and how all the attachments stay attached. Easy to store and carry from room to room.
Get more detail about Eureka 71B Hand-Held Vacuum.

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Black & Decker Dustbuster Commercial 80s

Introducing the versatile vacuum cleaner for quick and easy cleaning.

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Brand new Dirt Devil 0213CHM Kone Cordless Rechargeable Handheld Vacuum Cleaner, Champagne

Over All Rating Reviews :
The most powerful dust buster I have ever owned. Modern and very sleek looking. Even picks up on rugs.
Get more detail about Dirt Devil 0213CHM Kone Cordless Rechargeable Handheld Vacuum Cleaner, Champagne.

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Black & Decker VF48 Replacement Filter

±1±: Now is the time Black & Decker VF48 Replacement Filter Order Today!

Nice Design by :
Black & Decker
Over All Rating Reviews :

Great Deal :
Date Created :
Aug 25, 2010 19:00:06
Replacement filter set for model No. CHV4800 DustBuster cordless vac.

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±1±: Best Buy i love my dust buster use it all the time..convenient way to get filter but a little silly to pay so much in shipping and handling for low cost item..they should come more to a box..or have reduced shipping and handling.. on Sale!

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Shop For Eureka 71B Hand-Held Vacuum

Over All Rating Reviews :
This little vacuum is a gem. I've been looking for something to vacuum the carpeted stairs....something small with brushes to get into the carpet fibers and pick up the dirt. This vacuum does the job very well! The hose attachment comes in handy for doing those crevices on the banisters, also!
Get more detail about Eureka 71B Hand-Held Vacuum.

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Monday, August 23, 2010

Eureka 71B Hand-Held Vacuum Order Now

Over All Rating Reviews :
I bought this vacuum 1 1/2 years ago for my steps. I was sick of Black and Decker and Hoovers never lasting. I have no complaints with this vacuum. It does the trick. In fact I am getting my son one for his new home.
Get more detail about Eureka 71B Hand-Held Vacuum.

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Best Buy Eureka 71B Hand-Held Vacuum

Over All Rating Reviews :
As the other reviews noted, this thing is powerful & heavy. Wish the suction hose for the attachment were about a foot longer. One day it smelled as though something were burning inside, however, that subsided. Overall, good value. Great suction.
Get more detail about Eureka 71B Hand-Held Vacuum.

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Best Buy Dirt Devil M08220 Scorpion Quick Flip Corded Handheld Vacuum Cleaner

Over All Rating Reviews :
Handy little vaccuum. Pop-off front to dispose of material, flip-down nozzle, a little hose for hard-to-reach places, and very powerful. A little noisy, sure (scares my cats), but hey ... it's a vaccuum!
Get more detail about Dirt Devil M08220 Scorpion Quick Flip Corded Handheld Vacuum Cleaner.

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New Black & Decker PHV1800CB 18-Volt Pivoting-Nose Cordless Energy-Star Handheld Vacuum Cleaner

Over All Rating Reviews :
It is a very powerful vacuum. It is light and easy to clean. I wish there were more attachments, only has one, and the opening is small. I use the vacuum for the furniture so I would like other attachments, but it does pick up well. There are 2 switches for high and more high power. It does not run out of power quickly, keeps on going. I do like the long lasting battery and power..
Get more detail about Black & Decker PHV1800CB 18-Volt Pivoting-Nose Cordless Energy-Star Handheld Vacuum Cleaner.

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Black and Decker 14.4 Volt Battery Charger for Cordless Dustbuster model CHV1400

±1±: Now is the time Black and Decker 14.4 Volt Battery Charger for Cordless Dustbuster model CHV1400 Order Today!

Nice Design by :
Black & Decker
Over All Rating Reviews :

Great Deal :

Date Created :
Aug 21, 2010 20:34:29
Black and Decker 14.4 Volt Battery Charger for Cordless Dustbuster model CHV1400

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±1±: Best Buy Had two Dust Busters, only one charger. Since I hadn't found a used charger at yard sales or through Free Cycle, this was the next best choice and all is good now. Original Dust Buster charger and good service. on Sale!

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Lowest Price Hoover LINX Cordless Handheld Vacuum, BH50015

Over All Rating Reviews :
Absolutely love this hand vac. It is the best I've ever used. Only conplaint is the brush will not stay in the usable position so I do what I read with the other reviews, put a large rubber band behind it to hold it.
Get more detail about Hoover LINX Cordless Handheld Vacuum, BH50015.

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Friday, August 20, 2010

Hoover Flair Bagless Upright Stick Vacuum with Power Nozzle, S2220 on Sale!

Over All Rating Reviews :
I just love my new vac! I have a lot of hardwood floors, in particular, in my kitchen and as many of you know, the kitchen floor is in constant need of upkeep. I wanted a tool that would help with this upkeep, but would be easy to use and not heavy or bulky. I GOT IT ! The Hoover S2220 was just the ticket. It's light weight, easy to use, and IT actually picks up all the crumbs and dust on my floors, it even tackles the debris on my area rugs. The vac has two suction power levels makingFlair w Power Nozzel the cleaning of floors and rugs easy! It even comes in a funky red color. I'm happy with my purchse and the price!
Get more detail about Hoover Flair Bagless Upright Stick Vacuum with Power Nozzle, S2220.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cheap Dirt Devil M08220 Scorpion Quick Flip Corded Handheld Vacuum Cleaner

Over All Rating Reviews :
Surprisingly powerful cleaner! I have the cordless version for home, but needed a corded version for work since I don't have a spare outlet to charge a cordless version all the time.

When I first turned it on, it tried to shoot right out of my hand! That is a POWERFUL motor!! YES! It's heavy (but less than 5 pounds). YES! It takes some work to handle because it is so powerful. That's the GOOD part! The wind force venting out the back is a bit surprising too - wow!!

Some people have complained about the weight; that's because the motor is so powerful - it is totally worth the weight for how well it works. 7.0 Amps in the palm of your hand!!!! I have no complaints about the weight. I picked the box up at the store to put it in the cart and take it to the car - so I know how much it weighed when I bought it. Just want to add, thank goodness the filter and dirt cup are small - wouldn't want to add any more weight - LOL!

Also, I'm not worried about it not working well or wearing out after less than a year, This baby comes with a THREE YEAR warranty!!! Impressive!! Thank you Dirt Devil!!
Get more detail about Dirt Devil M08220 Scorpion Quick Flip Corded Handheld Vacuum Cleaner.

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DustBuster Replacement Filter - HEPA - 2 Pack

±1±: Now is the time DustBuster Replacement Filter - HEPA - 2 Pack Order Today!

Nice Design by :
Black & Decker
Over All Rating Reviews :

Great Deal :

Date Created :
Aug 19, 2010 09:57:18
Shop for filters by model number.

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Dirt Devil 0213CHM Kone Cordless Rechargeable Handheld Vacuum Cleaner, Champagne

Over All Rating Reviews :
This vacuum is nice looking, has good suction power and the charge lasts for as long as I need it. But, as other's have mentioned, the fan from the motor blows down. So, while the vacuum is trying to suction things in, the fan is blowing them away. The design should have been much better, as not to let the fan blow downwards. You pretty much end up chasing dustbunnies around, until you can get them cornered.
Get more detail about Dirt Devil 0213CHM Kone Cordless Rechargeable Handheld Vacuum Cleaner, Champagne.

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Black & Decker 18-Volt Pivoting-Nose Cordless Handheld Vacuum Top Quality

Over All Rating Reviews :
This vacuum is WIRELESS, the battery last for a reasonable amount of time, it has a lot of power. Very nice product, and fits everywhere.
Get more detail about Black & Decker 18-Volt Pivoting-Nose Cordless Handheld Vacuum.

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A Corner Parrot Cage Can Make a Difference

Saving space doesn't have to mean missing out on important features, like food and water bowls. Corner parrot cages come with conveniently placed food and water bowls, with easy-to-reach gates for bringing the food and water through, so you don't have to risk bird escapes. You'll also find convenient cleaning trays at the bottom of the cage that slide out like a drawer. Many pet owners line these with newspaper. Check with your veterinarian before deciding what kind of liner to use. The tops of the cage often have bars that you can use to tie up your bird's favorite hanging toy. Parrots like to perch, so make sure you put a branch or specially made parrot perch inside of the cage for his pleasure.

Another great thing about a corner standing parrot cage is that it reduces the radius of mess that you have to clean up. Parrots can be messy and putting the cage in the corner makes it easier to clean up the parrot mess. Instead of cleaning up a large floor area, you're just cleaning the corner. Be sure to protect your walls if you find that the mess is damaging them. You can use a piece of plexiglass or a small curtain to ensure that they're not damaged. Cleaning up one corner of the room with a vacuum, a dustbuster or a hand broom is a lot easier than cleaning up an entire room filled with seed shells.

Since corner parrot cages come in a variety of color styles, you can be sure that you're getting a cage that will look nice in your home. The wire framing of the cages come in white, in wrought iron and even in shades of copper. If your home décor has elements of wrought iron, then having that big corner parrot cage in your house can become a beautiful addition. Guests will always comment on your beautiful bird, but imagine how much nicer it will look when framed by a decorative corner cage. Check into getting a corner parrot cage for your bird. There are so many styles and sizes to chose from.

The perches, ladders and other custom features of a corner parrot cage are comparable, if not superior to other cage options, including freestanding cages, indoor aviaries, and Tabletop models. Since corner parrot cages are easier to keep clean, you'll appreciate the opportunity to enjoy your beautiful bird and feel that he's part of the family, rather than just a nuisance. Finally, you can choose a cage color scheme that helps your bird and his home become an important part of your decorating plans.

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Monday, August 16, 2010

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